S03E07 – The Purpose Driven Life

S03E07 – The Purpose Driven Life

If you’ve ever questioned the reason for your existence, this episode is for you! Join as Pastor Dudley retells the incredible story of a single mother who was being held hostage by a violent criminal on the run. While the man had committed a number of atrocious...
S03E06 – Once In A Lifetime Opportunity

S03E06 – Once In A Lifetime Opportunity

Don’t miss this episode of Godly Goosebumps as Pastor Dudley shares one of the greatest displays of faith he’s ever witnessed—at Dodger Stadium, no less! While attending a game with a buddy, Pastor Dudley found himself seated next to a young boy who,...
S03E05 – James Riley

S03E05 – James Riley

Who would have dreamt that an American man brutally enslaved in Africa in the 1800s would act as an impetus for the emancipation of those held in American chains? Join Pastor Dudley as he retells the true story of James Riley, captain of an American merchant ship that...