If God told you to “go,” would you go? Philip was in Samaria during a time of great persecution for Christians when a supernatural event happened—an angel of the Lord appeared to him and told him to go south (Acts 8:26). Philip didn’t know why; he just did what he was told. God basically said to him, “I have a job for you,” and Philip responded, “Lord, whatever you ask me to do, I’ll do.” It was on his way south that Philip met an official in charge of all the treasure of the queen of Ethiopia. The man, who was an Ethiopian eunuch, was sitting in his chariot, reading from the book of Isaiah the prophet. He was an important man, a wealthy man. But what happened next broke through class, race, and economic status and is sure to give you godly goosebumps! Pastor Dudley tells this incredible story of the chariot appointment of Philip and Ethiopian eunuch.

S01E03 – Chariot Appointment