S04E03 - Woolworth Counter - Four College Freshmen

S04E03 – Woolworth Counter – Four College Freshmen


Are you discouraged by the racial division that plagues our country today? If so, don’t miss this episode of Godly Goosebumps, in which Pastor Dudley shares the story of David Richmond, Franklin McCain, Ezell Blair, Jr., and Joseph McNeil, also known as the Greensboro Four. In February of 1960, these four courageous young Black men walked into the F.W. Woolworth Company store and sat down at an all-white lunch counter, challenging the segregation policies that characterized the social and moral landscape of their time. Little did they know, their actions would be a catalyst for a wave of nonviolent protests that played a critical role in the broader civil rights movement. This episode offers a powerful lesson on the ability we all possess to reshape our communities, overcoming hate and cultivating Christ-centered unity.