S02E13 – Tattooed Noggin

S02E13 – Tattooed Noggin

When Rueben—a heavily tattooed man who had spent a lifetime apart from God—was diagnosed with cancer, his family began to fervently pray, not only for his physical healing, but for his spiritual healing as well. In this episode of Godly Goosebumps, Pastor Dudley...
S02E12 – Jet Ski Mystery

S02E12 – Jet Ski Mystery

The Bible teaches us that God specializes in fresh starts. If you don’t believe us, just ask Steve! In this episode of Godly Goosebumps, Pastor Dudley retells the powerful true story of a man whose life was in shambles. While in the middle of a divorce, Steve was...
S01E18 – The Shot Caller (Part 3)

S01E18 – The Shot Caller (Part 3)

Darwin “Casey” Diaz is a native of El Salvador and a former gang leader. Growing up on the streets of Los Angeles, California, he was forced to fight for his life. He was eventually thrown in prison as one of the most violent criminals in California and placed in...
S01E17 – The Shot Caller (Part 2)

S01E17 – The Shot Caller (Part 2)

Darwin “Casey” Diaz is a native of El Salvador and a former gang leader. Growing up on the streets of Los Angeles, California, he was forced to fight for his life. He was eventually thrown in prison as one of the most violent criminals in California and placed in...