S02E13 – Tattooed Noggin

S02E13 – Tattooed Noggin

When Rueben—a heavily tattooed man who had spent a lifetime apart from God—was diagnosed with cancer, his family began to fervently pray, not only for his physical healing, but for his spiritual healing as well. In this episode of Godly Goosebumps, Pastor Dudley...
S01E12 – Millie’s Prayer

S01E12 – Millie’s Prayer

Having a deathly ill son, Millie prayed to the Lord for healing. As part of that prayer, she told the Lord that if He healed her son Jimmy, she would raise him to be a preacher and a great man of God. Shortly after that prayer, Jimmy was miraculously healed as if...
S01E08 – Praying John Hyde

S01E08 – Praying John Hyde

Prayer can break down any obstacle, open any door, and change any circumstance. This truth is exemplified in the life of John Hyde, the son of a Presbyterian minister, who moved to India in 1899 where Christians were the minority. Physically challenged through partial...
S01E07 – The Miracle at Johns Hopkins

S01E07 – The Miracle at Johns Hopkins

Kenneth Wallace felt discomfort in his body one day which led him to a doctor’s appointment to get it checked out. There, his doctor gave him the news that no one ever wants to hear: stage four cancer. On this episode of Godly Goosebumps, Pastor Dudley Rutherford...